Kofax - Cannot Load SBL.dll

Applies to

Kofax Capture All


The client workstation is reporting "Can not load SBL.dll", and Security Boost is not used.


Here are some more troubleshooting/causes for such error:

  1. Try to copy the Sbl.dll file from a working workstation to this one and register it.

  2. Ensure the ServerPath registry key to point to the UNC path of the server.

  3. Ensure that user has correct permissions as per QAID 2482

  4. Backing up DB and doing a Compact and Repair of DB solves the issue if Kofax Standard DB is in use.

  5. This problem was seen if the pubtypes folder was not present in the CaptureSV Share. Recreating of this folder by copying it from a working machine or reinstalling Kofax Capture should solve the problem.

  6. This problem was seen when a client got installed out of a local copy of the Wrkinst folder instead of the copy which is located in the CaptureSV share on the server.

The problem should be resolved by changing the serverpath of the client to the correct value. After verifying the acconfig.xml file it was determined that the workstation was pointed to itself and not the intended Kofax Capture Server. This was corrected by changing the server path to point to the server share using the following syntax:

acdeployutil /serverpath:\\imgkstag\capturesv\

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