ImageSilo - View System Operations/Queries Report

In this article we will review how to generate and view System Operations Reports and Queries. This can be done by an administrator through the Administration console within ImageSilo.

This can be used to to review system operations and actions performed by a certain user. For instance, if you wanted to see which documents a user deleted on a certain day, or who deleted a project, or who performed a global search. These are all things the System Operations/Queries Report will allow you to do, plus much more!

First you will need to login with an Administrator account and click on your login name at the top-right, then the Administration tab.

This will open your main Administration console. Once that is opened, on the left pane, under Reports, you will select the “System Operations/Queries” option.

After selecting this, you will be brought to the Filter Report screen (shown below) which is how you will select your criteria for the report such as the Date Range, User, Operation, etc. You can even filter by the Source (IP Address) if you think there may have been some sort of malicious activity coming from an unauthorized IP Address.

If you click the dropdown arrow on the “Operation” field you will see all of the possible options that you can generate a report on. Once you have your criteria selected, you will just need to click the “Save” button to begin generating the report.

As an example, I set up a search to look for a specific user and checked their activity for the “User Logged In” operation.

The results should look similar to the below, or will return zero entries if there was no matching criteria.

If you have any questions or require any additional assistance with these reports, please reach out to CASO Support at


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