ImageSilo - Setting Default Display Settings for Entity

In this article we will review how to look at and change (if needed) the Display settings that are present within your ImageSilo Entity.

Please be aware, these settings will be changed for the entity as a whole, any changes here will affect every user within the Entity.

First, you will need to login to your entity as an Administrator.

Then you will click on your name in the top-right, and then select the “Administration” button.

Once the Administration window appears, you will need to click on your Entity Properties and then the “Display” tab.

This is where you will see the default Display settings that are being used within your Entity. You can change the following options:

  • Character Case Display

  • Document Grouping

  • Default Document Display Method

  • File Types to Display in Registered Application

If you have any questions or need any assistance with these, please reach out to the CASO team at


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