ImageSilo - Performing a Quick Search

In this article we will review how to perform a Quick Search in ImageSilo.

You can use the quick search to quickly query against your projects without having to go inside the project itself. You can also use this to search among multiple projects.

First, you will need to login to ImageSilo.

In the top-right corner you should see a search bar labeled “Quick Search”.

By default, all projects are selected. We can see this because next to the search bar the dropdown has the “All” setting selected. If you only want to search on specific projects, and not everything, click the dropdown arrow to check/uncheck projects as needed.

Anything you leave checked will be searched against.

The icon next to the right of the dropdown will allow you to select which type of Search you’d like to use.

Once you have decided which type of search you want to perform, you will just need to enter the text you want to search in the “Quick Search” bar and then click the Magnifying Glass or press “Enter”.

You will then be brought to a page with your results if any were found.

If results were found from multiple projects, you can use the dropdown arrow next to the current search project to change projects.

In my example, I found matching records in both the Student Records and Timesheets project.

Use this tool to easily search among multiple projects!

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