PVE - Checking in and out of a document

  1. Find and Access your Document:

  • Log in to PVE: Use your usual credentials to access the PVE website.

  • Locate the Document: Browse or search for the document you need to modify.

  1. Open and Prepare for Editing:

  • Double-click the document: This opens it in PVE's document viewer or Browser-based Viewer. (Depends on User Options)

  • Click "Check-out": This locks the document for editing and prevents others from modifying it while you work.

  1. Edit the Document (method depends on import format):

  • Single-page images: Edit each image individually within the viewer. You can add, delete, or rearrange them.

  • Multi-page PDFs: You'll need to navigate to the modified PDF you want to upload as the replacement and edit using PDF editing software.

  1. Finalize and Check-in:

  • Make your edits: Add, delete, or rearrange pages as needed.

  • Click "Check-in": This finalizes your changes and makes them visible to others.

  1. Revision Selection and Notes (optional):

  • Choose revision type: Select "Minor revision" for small changes or "Major revision" for significant edits.

  • Add a note (optional): Briefly describe your changes for future reference.

Additional notes for Multi-page PDFs:

  • When editing a multi-page PDF, you won't modify the original document directly.

  • Instead, you'll need to prepare a separate, edited PDF file.

  • Then, during check-in, you'll navigate to and select this edited PDF to replace the original.

Remember: Always back up your documents before making any edits.

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