PVE - Re-Install Website

Sometimes the PVE website may need to be re-installed due to bad credentials, settings, or invalid access rights. This procedure will help you re-build the PVE website on a clean slate

Getting Started

Be sure that...

  • You have access to the environment that hosts the PVE website.
  • Basic knowledge over IIS and Papervision Enterprise

Run Command Prompt As Admin

  1. Click Start → type in "CMD" and right click CMD and click "Run as Administrator"

Get Location of Configuration Utility

  1. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Digitech Systems\PaperVision\Common and locate file "DSI.PVEConfiguration.Utility.exe"
  2. hold shift and right click on the file and click "Copy as path"

Run Utility

  1. Right click → paste inside the command prompt running as administrator and add "/createsite" at the end of the command. Example below
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Digitech Systems\PaperVision\Common\DSI.PVEConfiguration.Utility.exe" /createsite
  2. Follow instructions given by the prompt

Website Configuration

  1. Check "Configure Web Site"
  2. Set description and IP address to your liking or leave as default
  3. Provide a valid domain/user account that has rights to IIS and provide the username and password for that account.
  4. Click "Next"
  5. It will take 1-5 minutes to process, once it is completed, it will present an installation successful

  6. The website is now installed and should be accessible

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