Add a New ImageSilo User

This article will walk you through creating a new user within your ImageSilo entity.

  1. First you will need to login to your ImageSilo entity with an account that has Administrator rights and privileges.

  2. Once you have logged in to an Administrator account click on the account name in the top-right corner and click on the “Administration” button.

3. This will then bring you to a new Administration window. From here you will need to expand the “General Security” menu on the left side pane and click on the System Users button:

4. This section is used to add, modify, and even delete users. You will see a full list of all current users for your entity in the center of the screen. Click on the “Add User” button in the top-left to create a new user account.

5. You will then be brought to the “Add New User” screen where you will need to input the details for the new user such as: User Name, Password, Email Address, and any additional privileges this user will need.

6. Once you have entered all of the new user information and click the Save button the user will be able to login to your Entity.


Please note: This page just shows the base account configuration. Additional security and/or group access may need to be set up as well depending on your Entity’s security policies.


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