PVC - Forms Magic - Create a new template form

With Forms Magic installed, before you can utilize the Forms Magic step in PVC, you must first establish templates to use for common forms so that Forms Magic can identify them and know where to extract the data. This article will demonstrate how to create a template form.

Papervision Capture Admin Console

With PVC admin console open, double click on your Forms Magic project that you would like to begin adding templates to. If you do not have any projects set up, use this link to learn how to create new projects for Forms Magic: PVC -FM - Create new project

After double-clicking the project, the Forms Magic Designer will open.

Now you are ready to begin importing images to cluster them and add them so that Forms Magic will recognize the form type as they are scanned/imported into batches. In the Cluster Documents box at the top-left, select either One Document Per File or Multiple Docs Per File, depending on your needs. You will then have a window open that will require you to import the images. After importing the images that need to be clustered, click the Start Clustering button.

After the images have been clustered, you will then need to give the forms names and assign them to a form type. You can create a form type using the New link highlighted in yellow or select one of the pre-defined form types. After you have given the form(s) a name and assigned them to a form type, with the document selected, select Add Form.

The form will move to the Existing Forms tab. When you are ready, select the existing forms tab and select the form you wish to edit. Select the document and click the Form Designer button to open the document in Form Designer.

This concludes adding new form templates. To learn how to add index fields and other features, please refer to the Form Designer article for more information.

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