PVC - Configure export step

To configure PVC to export out, use the following steps:

  1. Open PVC admin console

  2. Navigate to Entities → Your Entity → Capture Jobs


  3. Select the job that needs the export step added

  4. Check out the job


  5. Right-click in the white space and select Insert Job Step → Custom code


  6. With the custom code step highlighted, click the 3 dots under Custom Code Events and Step Executing as shown below:


  7. There are several different export options available. Select one of the options provide and select OK


    1. If exporting to Digitech PVE or ImageSilo, it is recommended to choose the ImageSilo/PVE XML or ImageSilo/PVE Direct export type

    2. Image Only exports out just the Images

  8. Depending on the type of export selected, export options will be available to configure


  9. Once complete, click OK to close out of the export options

  10. One last thing to do is to set the Auto-Processing Error Hold in the properties


  11. In the Auto-Processing Error Hold options, click the Enabled checkbox and number of attempts to 1


    1. This step will place any batch that fails to export successfully in an error hold state so that it does not continue to try exporting over and over again. Admins can then review the error that is thrown and correct the batch and re-submit to be exported again.

  12. Be sure to connect the export step in your job step workflow and check the job back in to apply your changes.


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