PVC - Forms Magic

Forms Magic is part of Papervision Capture and is installed when installing PVC as well. Only one Forms Magic communication Server can be active at a time within a PVC structure as it is used to call license information as well as Forms that have been defined by users. This article is to give a brief summary of how Forms Magic works and if needed, more in-depth articles follow this one for specific operations that can be performed within FM.

Forms Magic Projects

Forms Magic projects are where all the documents are stored and the indexing information is defined. You can view or create a new Forms Magic project within the Papervision Capture Administration Console.

Within the Project, documents you have scanned and set up as your setup page or template are stored here, which are pages that Forms Magic will use to determine when new documents are scanned in, if they match the setup image/template. You can configure the forms with index fields and where Forms Magic will look to pull the information for each index you define.

Available Articles for Forms Magic

CASO Knowledge Base