Automation Servers not named correctly

There is a rare bug within PVC that causes the automation servers to be renamed by adding a 1 to them.

As an example:

Normal Automation server names - servername_0, servername_1, etc..

Bug - servername_1, servername_2, etc..

The cause of this bug is unknown, but in Caso’s case, this errored happened while a batch was in the export step for several hours. The batch was then manually put on hold and after that, our automation server “servername_0” had disappeared. This may not seem like a terrible thing, but in our case, we had several processes tied to “servername_0”, so nothing in our PVC environment was moving.

The quickest way to fix this issue is to simply restart the server that is hosting the PVC software and automation servers. If this is not possible, it may be possible to force the automation servers to restart with the following steps:

  1. Open the Papervision Capture Setup Tool

  2. Set the automation server count to 1 and save

  3. Back in the Papervision Capture Admin console, under Automation Servers, delete all the automation servers listed for the affected server (don’t worry - none of the automated processes will be deleted. All will return when PVC picks them back up)

  4. Check and see if the “servername_0” automation server pops back up

  5. If not, go back to the setup tool and bump up the number of automation servers

  6. Check back and see if the “servername_0” populates

  7. If your automation servers look like this: servername_1, servername_2, etc.. it’s time for a restart of the server!

  8. If this still does not correct your issue, contact Caso support or Digitech support to assist

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