PVE - Changing Max Number of Results When Searching

PVE - Changing Max Number of Results When Searching

In this article we will be reviewing how each user can specify the number of results they would like to receive when executing a search or query for documents in PaperVision Enterprise.

By default - this will be set at 500 results, and this will be per page of results in PaperVision Enterprise. Please be aware, using a number that is too high may result in search timeout errors.

You can see this at the bottom of the search results screen after you have executed a search.

There are two ways we can change this option.

  1. Change this option directly from the search results screen

    1. This means we’d have to change this setting every time we performed a search

  2. Change this option through our system settings for our account

    1. Change will persist through all other searches and only need to be set once

We will now review how to make these changes!


Changing Search Result Numbers From Search Screen

After executing a search look to the bottom-left hand side of the screen:

Click the drop-down arrow on the right side of “500” to bring up the menu

Select from the listed options (25, 50, 100, 500, All)

Please note: If you select “All” there will still be 500 results displayed max. But when you click the “Next Page” button, it will add 500 more results to your current view. So you will be able to view more than 500 at a time but have to add each set of 500 to your current page (500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, etc.). This will become very slow as you get higher and higher numbers and is typically not recommended for viewing large amount of documents due to the increased latency and unresponsiveness.


Changing Search Result Numbers From Settings

Click on your account in the top-right of the PaperVision Enterprise home page and go to “User Options”.

Once here, insure that you are at the General section of the options page.

On the right-hand side locate the Search options. Underneath you will see the “Max Results Per Query” setting.

Enter your desired number in the box.

In this example, I have changed my value to 35.

Navigate back to your home screen and execute a search.

You will now see that the results are set to 35 documents per page.

This setting will remain until it is changed in the User Options again.

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