PVE - Restoring Documents from the Recycle Bin

PVE - Restoring Documents from the Recycle Bin

In this article we will review how to restore deleted items in PaperVision Enterprise. Sometimes users may delete and remove documents that need to be restored at a later date or are used in another work process. Lucky for us, PaperVision Enterprise has a Recycle Bin function. Any documents that are deleted by a user will go to the Recycle Bin first, and then have to be removed from there to be lost permanently.

The Recycle Bin is only accessible by Administrators of the Entity, so you will need to make sure you have the required access before you can complete the steps in this article.

First, login to your PaperVision Enterprise Entity website with your Administrator account.

Next, you will click on your name at the top-right and then go to Recycle Bin.

You will be brought to a screen that looks similar to the normal “Search Results” screen, but the documents here will have red text for the index values. This is because these documents have been deleted.

You can use the drop-down arrow at the top to switch between projects in your Entity. Each project has its own Recycle Bin.

This will let you search by project to see what is in the Recycle Bin for each one.

When you have located your document that you wish to restore, you will simply select the Document with a single left-click, and then click on the Restore button from the top menu bar.

This will restore the document back to the project and it will be accessible by normal users again.

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