PVE - Configuring Data Group Auto Mapping

PVE - Configuring Data Group Auto Mapping


Data Group Auto-Mapping allows data groups to be automatically imported into PaperVision which removes the need for manual processing. You must enable and configure auto-mapping in either PaperVision Capture or PaperFlow when creating a new or editing an existing export job. This option is available in PaperVision Capture (R83 or later) and PaperFlow (R81 or later) releases.



  1. Enabling and configuring Data Group auto-mapping using PaperFlow or ImageSilo/PVE XML exports in PaperVision Capture (R83 or later) or PaperFlow (R81 or later):

    1. When configuring your PaperFlow or ImageSilo/PVE XML export, you must enable (check) the option “Enable Data Group Auto-Mapping” located on the “Options” tab in the export wizard. You must specify an Entity ID as well as a Mapping Key.

    2. The Mapping Key is an encryption key that is used to encrypt the Data Group when exporting from PaperVision Capture or PaperFlow. It is also used to decrypt the Data Group when imported into PaperVision Enterprise or ImageSilo.

    3. When the export is processed, it will include a Datagrp-map.xml file which is used by the Monitored Import path when importing into PaperVision Enterprise or ImageSilo.

  2. Enabling and configuring Data Group auto-mapping in ImageSilo or PaperVision Enterprise (R82 or later):

    1. Auto-Mapping must also be enabled and configured in ImageSilo or PaperVision Enterprise (R82 or later).

    2. First, set up a Monitored Import path to the applicable export parent directory.

    3. From the Entity properties go to the Import tab.

    4. You must create a Mapping Key that also matches the Mapping Key specified in PaperVision Capture or PaperFlow export.

    5. Select the option “Require explicit mapping” to ensure the applicable exports contain a mapping key before importing into ImageSilo or PaperVision


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