Eforms 4.3 Installation Guide

Eforms 4.3 Installation Guide


The Eforms Installation will install the necessary files to run the ECMToolbox Eforms environment.  It will also install the Eforms database as well as configure IIS for the eform website.

A.     Before the Eforms 4.2.3 installer can be run, the IIS Web Server must be installed.  This is a listing of the features to be installed.

A.     After the web server has been installed, download and install the dotNet 6 Core Hostable Bundle.  Eforms uses dotNet 6 Core.

As of this writing, the current version of dotNet 6 Core is at Download .NET 6.0 (Linux, macOS, and Windows) (microsoft.com).

2.Eforms Installation

Once IIS and dotNet 6 Core have been installed, the Eforms installer (ECMToolbox.Eform_4.2.3.msi) can be run.

Click Next on the first screen and check the “I accept the terms” checkbox on the second screen.

On the next screen, enter your SQL Instance information.

The next screen is the ECMT.Eforms Web Configuration. 

Enter the server name where eforms website will reside. 

Choose among the possible IIS-Sites List.  If you wish to setup Eforms to a different site other than what is listed, you will need to set the main site first, so it will appear in the list.

 Choose between http or https bindings.

Enter the web folder if different from shown.

The next screen is the SQL location and credentials for your ECMToolbox Workflow Configuration.

If Eforms is to be installed as a standalone product, leave this page blank, otherwise enter the required information.

Next, enter the location where the website should be located.

The program will now install.


3. Configuring IIS

Once the installation is finished, The Eforms website will be setup.  The Application Pool ECMT.Eforms_App will also be setup under dotNet 6 Core shown as No Managed Code.

If the binding is http (port 80), then the SSL certificate requirement will need to be removed.

Highlight the ECMT.Eforms site.  Under the IIS section, double click the SSL Settings button.

Uncheck the Require SSL checkbox and click Apply.

If you accepted the default installation settings, the browser location will be similar to http(s)://ecmt.eforms/admin/eform_admin_index.html.

There is an Eforms Output Service that processes completed EForms.  Open the Services app and locate the ECMtoolbox.Eforms.OutputService.  The service will be set to start Automatically but is not running out of the box.  When you are ready to start exporting Eform data to a database, turn the service on.


4. Mapping to Easyfile

If you plan to connect to the Easyfile Document Management system at any time, two manual configurations are required. 

In the ECMT.Eforms Installed Folder are the \Websites and \Services folders.  In each folder is an appsettings.json file that needs to be configured.

In each file is a Settings section containing the following parameters.

SPWSProfile Key



Replace the default entries with the appropriate information found in the Easyfile site’s web.config file

Once these configurations have been completed, Eforms will be able to connect to the Easyfile database.

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