PaperFlow - Rename a PaperFlow Batch

In the event a batch needs to be renamed, the following guide will detail how to do so.

Show Hidden Items

First, you will need to be able to see hidden files and folders. To do this, open the file explorer. Click the “View” tab. In the Show/hide section, check off “Hidden Items”.

Enabling seeing hidden items


Navigate to Batch

Now you will need to find where the batch is located. They will typically be in the following file path:

C:\ProgramData\Digitech Systems\PaperFlow\Batches

If the batch is not in this folder, open PaperFlow and then click “Open Batch”. Navigate to the batch you want to rename. There will be a column that the file path of the batch. Use this to locate the batch in the file explorer.

Rename Batch’s Files

There are multiple things you will need to change for PaperFlow to recognize that you have renamed the batch. For the following example, we will assume that the batch we are looking for is COOP1194, and we want to rename the batch to COOP-5555.

First, navigate to the batch’s folder (for this example, C:\ProgramData\Digitech Systems\PaperFlow\Batches\COOP1194).

Rename this folder to what the name should be (COOP-5555).

Next, open the batch’s folder. You will see multiple files with the original batch name (PVCSBATCH, PVCSDOC, and so on).

PaperFlow Batch’s folder, before being renamed

Change the name of all these files to the batch’s new name.

Open the PVCSBATCH file (COOP-5555.PVCSBATCH). If Windows asks you what app to use to open this kind of file, click on “More Apps” and then Notepad.


Inside this file, find the <NAME> tag. Change the data between the <NAME> and </NAME> to the new name of the batch. For this example, the line should now read as follows:


Save this file and close it.


Now open the PVCSINFO file (COOP-5555.PVCSINFO). If Windows asks you what app to use to open this kind of file, click on ”More Apps” and then Notepad.

Find the line with the tag <BATCHNAME>. Change the data between the <BATCHNAME> and </BATCHNAME> tags to the new name of the batch. For this example, the line should now read as follows:



Save this file and close it.


Relocate Batch in PaperFlow

Open PaperFlow and locate the batch inside PaperFlow.

To do this, click on the PaperFlow icon on the top left, and click on “Locate Batch”. Now navigate to the batch’s location and open the PVCSBATCH file.


The batch has now successfully been renamed.

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