Unable to Open Batch - Locked by Another User

Sometimes when working with PaperFlow you may have trouble opening a batch and receive the below error:

This means that someone else is working in the batch and you are not allowed to open it for processing. 

However, if for instance the person has left for the day or is out of the office, you may still need to access this batch for processing.

In order to do so you will need to use the File Explorer to navigate to the actual batch location where the PVCS.BATCH file was located.

Once here you should see another file called "BatchName.PVCSLOCK" where "BatchName" is the name of the batch you are looking to open.

Below is a screenshot of an example of the Batch root folder and the files you will see:

Once you have located the PVCSLOCK file you will simply need to delete that file.

After the file is deleted the batch will be unlocked and will be able to be opened by another user.

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