Changing a Batch's Job File

There may be cases where a batch is mistakenly scanned into the wrong job file and it needs to be corrected with a minimal loss of time. While rescanning the batch is certainly an option, this guide will show one easy method to change a batch’s current job file without any need to rescan the batch and that requires minimal changes to do.


What you will need:

  • Access to the batch folder. Typically, batches will be stored in the following path: C:\ProgramData\Digitech Systems\PaperFlow\Batches

    • If the batch is already being stored up on a fileshare such as the NY Fileshare or TX-NAS then you may navigate to their appropriate WIP folder instead. Please contact a team leader or your supervisor if you’re not sure where this is.

  • The name of the job file that the affected batch needs to be switched to. If you know it is a job file your machine already has, you can look at C:\ProgramData\Digitech Systems\PaperFlow\Jobs to ensure you have the job name correct.


  1. If the batch is currently open, please close out of it first. While nothing harmful should happen if this change is made with the batch is open, the changes you make will not take effect until the batch is re-opened.

  2. Navigate to the batch’s folder.

3. Look for the file with a .PVCSBATCH file extension, and right click and choose Open With to open it with Notepad. Feel free to set this as the default program for opening this type of file.

4. Inside this file, you will see several lines with various bits of data regarding the batch. The line you’re interested in is highlighted in the below picture.

5. Change the text between <JOBNAME> and </JOBNAME> to be the exact name of the job file you are trying to change this batch’s job to. For example, if the new job file was simply ‘CASO TEST’, the string should now read <JOBNAME>CASO TEST</JOBNAME>. Note that you do not include the file name extension for the job file here--only the actual name of the file itself.

6. Save the file, close it, and reopen the batch in PaperFlow.

7. The batch should now show the appropriate indexing fields for the new job file. Please note that you do not have to re-locate the batch after doing this, but you do need to have the job file that you newly changed the batch over to. You are all done from here.

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