Paperflow - Configure Image Processing to remove blank pages

Follow these steps to learn how to configure Paperflow’s Image Processing Blank Page Removal filter.

Note that any Image Processing filters added are Paperflow job specific.

  1. Open Paperflow

  2. Open or create a new batch

    1. Take note of the Paperflow job being used as the Blank Page Removal will be applied to all batches moving forward if the same PF job is being used

  3. Under the Auto-Process tab, click the configure button where it says IP (Image Processing)


  4. Within the IP Tools, click the Config button


  5. In the Image Processing Filters window, click the Page Deletion - Blank filter and click Add as shown below:


    1. OPTIONAL: Click the configure button to edit the filter

  6. Click OK

  7. Click the Save icon at the top-left as shown below to save the filter:


  8. With your IP filter set, you must now set when the filter will be applied.

    1. The IP filter can be set either as you are scanning or after scanning during export

  9. To apply as users scan, simply click the IP checkbox under the Home tab where it says On-the-fly as shown below:


  10. To apply as a post-processing step, Click the IP checkbox under the Auto Process tab as shown below:


  11. You now have the blank page removal filter added and applied!

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