PaperFlow - Moving Job Files to New Workstation

When installing PaperFlow on a new workstation, you will need to copy your job files from somewhere or you will have to rebuild all the jobs on the new computer.

The job files are what PaperFlow uses when creating new batches. These job files hold all of the index values, OCR rules, post-processing, export settings, etc. Basically anything that is used when you are processing a batch is contained in these job files.

This makes it easy for us to replicate a job file across workstations so all users are experiencing the same processes.

You will first need to open PaperFlow and locate where your job files are stored. You can do this by clicking on the PaperFlow icon in the very top-left of the application and clicking on the “Preferences” option.

You will then click on the System Preferences option, and look down under the “Job Path” section.

Here you will see the file path of where the PaperFlow Jobs are stored. You will simply need to navigate to this location and copy the job files from here to the “Job Path” location on the new machine, which will default to the location shown above.

Once you have moved jobs to the new workstation you may need to restart PaperFlow before you are able to create batches using the new job files.

For any additional assistance please reach out to CASO Support.

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