Understanding the Easyfile Setup

To help you determine how to set up your EasyFile system, this section describes:

• Cabinets

• Index Fields

The scheme you develop for your site’s Cabinets and corresponding fields determines how your site users can file and retrieve document records in the system.


All documents in an EasyFile system are stored in logical groups called Cabinets. A cabinet is similar to a standard “bricks and mortar” filing cabinet - that is, similar or related documents are grouped in each cabinet. You can create as many Cabinets as necessary for your filing requirements.

Proper design of cabinet fields allows a wide range of different document types to be stored within it. This eliminates the need for one cabinet per document type. In other words, you don’t need separate cabinets for “Employee Resumes” and “Employee Applications” and “Employee Tax Forms” – all of these different documents can be indexed in the Human Resources cabinet for easy, quick retrieval.

Index Fields

When you define a Cabinet, you also define index fields for the Cabinet. The fields provide a means for storing and locating individual documents within the Cabinet.

For example, in a Human Resources Cabinet, you could define fields such as Document Type, Employee Name, and Job Position. In this way you could locate all related human resources documents for a given employee or job position.

You could also define a Cabinet named Vendors that provides fields such as Document Type, Vendor Name, and Vendor Number and so on. In this way, a vendor’s related documents could be located by either vendor name or number, or both.

It is critical to note at this point the importance of the Document Type field in cabinet design. This field, presented as a drop-down list of valid document types, is the primary design component that allows many different types of documents to be stored in a cabinet, and properly identified. A large majority of all cabinet designs should include a Document Type field.



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