How to Create Easyfile Groups

Here we will discuss the use of Groups in Easyfile and how they can simplify an Administrator’s time in managing Easyfile users.

Groups in Easyfile have the same functionality as groups in Windows. When multiple users have the same rights, it is easier to create a group, assign the rights to the group, and add/delete members to/from the group.

This greatly reduces the Administration workload as users are added and deleted, the rights are only created once.

Log into the Easyadmin site and click Groups. In a new system, the Everyone group is listed. This is like the Users group in Windows and just includes all users.

Click Add Group and give the group a name. Let’s suppose we have multiple people who will be setup in Easyfile to do scanning. They will all have the same rights in each cabinet. We can call the group Scanners.

Click Save and the Scanners group appears on the list.

Click on the Scanners name and the Group property page appears. Like the user properties, click Add cabinet and choose which cabinets, the group will have access

Once the cabinets have been assigned, click the Rights button and assign rights for each cabinet. Click the checkbox under each category or click the textbox to the left of the cabinet name to choose all rights.

The last step is to assign members. These are the users that will belong to the Scanners group.

Click the Members button and click Add Member. Check the box next to each name and click Add Selected.

These users are now members of the group and inherit rights assigned to the group. From now on add new members to the group and delete members by clicking on the X to the right of the user name.

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