ECMT AIM - Formula

This function allows for the creation of formulas to calculate, compare, or check values.

Arithmetic and logic can be entered into the formula with the field being edited as the result field.

The following an example Formula Settings Screen.

  • Quick Field Select - Copies the selected field name wrapped in <> to the box below all the fields. For example if I select Price then the box at the bottom will populate with <Price>. Here you will be able to choose any Field that you have created.

  • Quick Operator Select - Copy selected operator to the box at the bottom. For now the dropdown contains mathematical operators which include the following (+, -, *, /, ^)

  • Type

    • None - Non-consequential label

    • Calculation - Non-consequential label

    • Warning - Non-consequential label

    • Error - Blocks processing until corrected

  • Name - Display Name

  • Description - Descriptive text to appear in tooltips and messages


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