ECMT - Invalid column name <AX field>
When receiving the error for Invalid column name ‘<AX field>’ the Workflow item will not be kicked off even with a correctly FLAGGED DOCUMENT.
The error would show up like this:
Error Processing Document Kickoff for Workflow ‘AP-Invoices'. SourceDocument ID: Setting integration doc field : STATUS to : NEW :
Invalid column name ‘<AX Field Name 1>'.
Invalid column name '<AX Field Name 2>’.
Invalid column name '<AX Field Name 3>’.
Invalid column name '<AX Field Name 4>'.
Error Creating New Workitem :
Invalid column name '<AX Field Name 1>'.
Invalid column name '<AX Field Name 2>'.
Invalid column name '<AX Field Name 3>'.
Invalid column name '<AX Field Name 4>'.
This can be solved by checking if the table schema for the Workflow and checking if the columns needed are being created.
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