ECMT AIM - Detail Fields

The Detail Fields are used to add values to the record. An example is General Ledger distribution capturing of values.

Detail fields are created using the green + button. Details are deleted using the red x button.

To reorder the fields, select a field row and use the blue green arrow up and arrow down buttons.

Note: Always be sure to select the Workflow whose properties you wish to edit via the “Show Details for Workflow” dropdown

Detail Name

  • This is added / assigned by the Admin

Field Type

  • Text, Number, Decimal, Boolean. The Field Type cannot be changed once the field has been created. If you need to change the field type you will need to recreate the Detail Field.


  • The field’s pixel width in the Workitems page


  • Prevents submittal of document if the field is required and blank


  • Is this field read-only


  • See Header Field Section for Config


  • See Header Field Section for Config


  • Create formula or rules to be calculated

Default Value

  • Default value for this field

  • Calculable

  • Can include field references like <field1> + <field2>

Color Background

  • Background color for this detail column

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