ECMToolbox - Setup Rule Conditions
Rules - What do do for an event?
When an event occurs, a rule is executed to do something in response. A rule is composed of two parts, a
condition, and an action. The condition may be left unspecified, in which case the actions is always
performed. If a condition is supplied, the action is performed only if the condition is true. The most
common type of condition is a field comparison – checking a document’s field for a certain value.
Field Comparison
A field comparison condition allows the workflow designer to specify a condition involving a field. If the
condition is true, the action will be executed. This can be used to check if a dollar amount is greater than
or less than, to checking if a document type is an “Invoice” or not.
Add a Condition
A condition’s evaluation results in a true or false (Boolean) result.
Click on the plus icon to the right end of an Event bar to create new rule. Two new bars
will appear to the right. The first one is the condition.Click the plus icon to the right of the newly created condition bar.
Select Field Comparison.
Choose the field to compare with, the operator, and the value to compare against.
Click Save.
Comparison Operators
Integer Operations | Text (String) Operations |
Operator | Description | Operator | Description |
= | Equals | In Between | In Between |
> | Greater than | Starts With | Starts with Letter/Word |
< | Less than | Ends With | Ends with Letter/Word |
<> | Does not equal | Contains | Field contains text |
>= | Greater than or equal to |
<= | Lesser than or equal to |
Advanced Comparison
The advanced comparison allows the workflow designer and software developer to insert C#
programming language code that will return a true or false value.
The editor includes a test button to run the code to confirm the code is valid, and that a result is returned.
Index field names are listed to provide help in writing the comparison.
For developers: The code is running within the System Reflection class and is compiled at runtime.
Allowed Functions:
SQL Data Client
String Builder/Compare Class
Not Allowed:
Executing Malicious Code
Modifying Workflow engine class fields and running methods
Parallel Workflow Detection
There is new condition that allows the workflow designer to determine if a work item in question has a
parallel instance occurring (where two work instances represent one work item).
Returns false if no parallel instance exists for the work item
Returns true if another instance exists for the current work item
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