OTS - Setup MTOM FileNet Connection

Output Transformation Server - Is there a way to setup MTOM FileNet connection

Applies to

  • Output Transformation Server 5.0



In Output Transformation Server, is there a way to setup MTOM FileNet connection



Yes, MTOM FileNet connection has been used by OTS (in the past). The Content Engine server determines the content transfer method based on the endpoint used.

  1. To access MTOM use the following format:

http://<hostname>:<port>/wsi/FNCEWS40MTOM/wsdl where:
<hostname> is the name of the Content Engine host machine
<port> is the port number assigned to the Content Engine application server

For example: http://localhost:9080/wsi/FNCEWS40MTOM/wsdl

  1. To access SOAP use the following format:

http://<hostname>:<port>/wsi/FNCEWS40SOAP/wsdl where:
<hostname> is the name of the Content Engine host machine
<port> is the port number assigned to the Content Engine application server

For example: http://localhost:9080/wsi/FNCEWS40SOAP/wsdl

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