ApplicationXtender - Web Access - Adding Highlight Annotation advances to last page

ApplicationXtender Web Access .Net - Web Access will advance to the last page of the document when adding a highlight annotation quickly across the page horizontally

Applies to


In ApplicaitonXtender Web Access, when adding a highlight annotation quickly across the page will cause Web Access to advance to the last page of the document.


This feature can be disabled by modifying the file "doc-viewer.html" in their ApplicationXtender site. Default install location is C:\inetpub\wwwroot\AppXtender\App\Views\Viewer

  1. Search "contentViewContainer" in doc-viewer.html, and find the div element whose id attribute is "contentViewContainer";

  2. Remove the following:

    <div id="contentViewContainer" hm-swipeleft="nextPage()" hm-swiperight="prevPage()" hm-recognizer-options='{"velocity":2}' hm-Pinchin="scaleViewer(-0.1)" hm-Pinchout="scaleViewer(0.1)" ax- viewer-auto-height="{{pageVersionCount > 1 || getSubPageCount() > 1 ? 25 : 0}}">
  3. Repeat step 2 for the file "batch.html" file. Default install location is C:\inetpub\wwwroot\AppXtender\App\Views\batch. Search "BatchController" in batch.html, and find the div element whose id attribute is "BatchController";

  4. Refresh the browser by pressing "Ctrl + F5".


This is caused by another feature that allows you to jump to the next page (or previous page) by swiping fingers on a touch device.

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