Kofax - Database Move
Applies to
Kofax Capture
Use this procedure to move/configure the Kofax database on a new environment.
- Backup the Kofax database
- User will need at minimum the following privileges in SQL to perform a backup.
- Server Level: public
- Database Level: db_backupoperator
- User will need at minimum the following privileges in SQL to perform a backup.
- Backup the current ACConfig.xml.
- Default location is on the Kofax Server. C:\ProgramData\Kofax\CaptureSV\Config
- Restore the Kofax database on the new environment.
- User will need at minimum the following privileges in SQL to perform a restore.
- Server Level: DBCREATOR
- User will need at minimum the following privileges in SQL to perform a restore.
- Modify the ACConfig.zml file.
- Modify the database server location. Use CTRL + F and search for <SqlServerInstance> and modify the server name.
- Modify the database name if changed. Use CTRL + F and search for <Database> and modify the database name.
- Leave the password string as is. (This will be updated when using the DBUTIL.exe application.
- Save file after changes and close it.
- Open DBUTIL.exe.
- Default location is C:\Program Files (x86)\Kofax\CaptureSS\ServLib\Bin for server installs and C:\Program Files (x86)\Kofax\Capture\Bin for workstation installs.
- Enter the server name, database name, deselect "Create New Database", and enter SQL Credentials. Dbutil.exe will encrypt and overwrite the password in the ACConfig.xml file.
- Apply the changes and close Dbutil.exe.
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