Kofax-Database Validation using an Excel spreadsheet

Applies to

Kofax Capture 10.x and 11.0


How to utilize Kofax Capture's Database Validation feature using an Excel spreadsheet.


  1. In Excel, create a range using the columns from the worksheet to be used in the validation. Select the columns (A, B, C, etc.) and then click Insert ¦ Name ¦ Define... .

  2. Enter a unique name in the 'Names in workbook' field. Verify that the 'Refers To' field contains the columns that you selected. Note: If you select a name already on the list, the 'Refers To' column will automatically change to the currently configured cells for that range. Make sure that you modify the range before clicking OK.

  3. Click OK when done.

  4. Save the workbook.

  5. Configure an ODBC data source using the spreadsheet.
    Configure Kofax Capture's Database Validation as normal. The range name becomes the table name used in Kofax Capture. The columns that make up this range will be the fields validated against.

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