ECMToolbox Workflow History

ECMToolbox tracks every step of a work item for auditing purposes from the beginning of the work item, to the end of the work item.

To view the history details in a queue, simply click the arrow to the left of the date to view details.


The following actions are recorded:

  • Date/time when item instance starts

  • Date/time Item arrives in queue

  • Date/time Ownership assigned to user

  • Date/time Item opened by user

  • Date/time Item Submitted by user

  • Date/time comment message submitted by user

  • Date/time when item instance ends


Work Item Queue History

ECMToolbox will organize all history events by queue in order. For the example below, this work item was in the first queue, and is now in the second queue. The work item’s history for the first queue is still available.

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