ECMToolbox Workflow Controls

Every Queue has a set of default command buttons to perform tasks and changes to each workflow items in that queue. Additional buttons may be present if your system administrator has set them up.

Primary Controls

Open Work Item – Will open the selected workitem on the list or queue you are viewing.
Preview Work Item – If your system administrator has enabled “Preview Mode” on the current queue, you can preview the work item without taking ownership of the item.
Take Ownership – Will allow you to take ownership of the item, putting it in your inbox.
Assign Item(s) To – Allows you to assign the items to a specific user on the list if you’re a workflow manager. The list will filter out users who do not have viewing rights to the queue the item is currently in. You can search out or see allowed users to assign items to (Screenshot to the left).

Remove Ownership – You can remove ownership from WorkItems on the list and make the item available for pick up again by other queue members.
Preview – Opens a new tab with the AX Document Viewer displaying the document. Useful for seeing the document before taking ownership.

There may be additional buttons set up by your system administrator, which can grant additional types of controls.

Send to User – Will allow you to send the work instance to another user in another queue or the same queue.

Depending on how the button is set up, you may also be able to select the queue, and send the item to the selected user inside the queue if they’re a member of that queue.

Pop Up – A button may be set up to popup a window inside Workflow or in another tab to a website set by the system administrator. This is useful for quickly opening a reference or tools to help assist in completing a workflow item.

Custom Button – Your system administrator can set up custom buttons, which can perform custom actions specific to your workflow. This can consist of validating user fields, performing a lookup, or interacting with other software within your organization.

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