Additional Survey Tabs

Creator Interface – Tab and Buttons: In addition to creating forms in the Designer itself, additional
functionality is provided to build more complex forms or controlling the overall behavior of the form.
This can include changes to navigation, to what Completed message is display after the form is
Tab - Survey Designer:

Main form builder tab to create the forms. During form creation, the form is autosaved as displays
a “Saved” status message to the right of the buttons. You can also click the Save Survey to
manually save changes.

Undo / Redo: Made a mistake or want to go back a couple steps? Easily undo any changes
made to current editing session with these buttons.

Survey Settings: Settings that affect the form handling, and all questions are contained in the
properties panel when you click this button. The options for Logo, Navigation, Question,
Validation and more are provided in the collapsible properties pane.

TOOLBOX: Access to all questions that can be dropped into a form. Each form question can be
further modified when selected via the properties pane.

PROPERTIES: The properties pane is used for both the Survey Settings, and for each question.
The context will switch depending on what is selected. You can also select question properties in
the Form builder via it form controller on the question when editing and its highlighted.

NOTE - The combined TOOLBOX and PROPERTIES pane window is collapsible as needed when editing the forms.

Tab-Test Survey

Use this tab to quickly test all functions of your form and display handling on different devices. An
addition dropdown is displayed if you created more than one page for your form. Helpful if you
have validation enabled on questions and you want to select/display different pages.
This tab will allow you to test the navigation of your form, and the completed form messages.

Tab-Survey Logic

The survey logic will show all conditions and expressions that have been configured for a form via
the Form Builder. Additional logic can be added here to allow for more complex form handling

Tab-JSON Editor

The JSON Editor maintains the current form definition as created in the Survey Designer. In most
cases, directly making changes in the JSON Editor is intended only for advanced form design
One handy feature with the JSON Editor is to copy the definition of an existing form and paste into
the JSON Editor of a newly created form. This makes cloning a form a snap!


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