AIM 5.8 - Dropdown List Fields

AIM 5.8 - Dropdown List Fields


Workflow users are presented with a dropdown of choices. This is configured in one of two ways:

  • Pre-Defined List

A Dropdown Type of pre-defined list allows the administrator to type in a list of values to be used as dropdown choices.

By default, the max items shown on the dropdown is 256. If you wish to adjust this, you will need to adjust the ECMCombobox.js located here:

C:\Program Files (x86)\CASO\ECMT_AIM\assets\ECMCombobox

Line 18 for the “maxVisible” will need to be adjusted as needed.


  • SQL List

A Dropdown Type of SQL List determines the values based on a SQL query.

The SQL Query text box provides syntactical highlighting for SQL query creation.

By default, the max items shown on the dropdown is 256.

If you wish to adjust this, you will need to adjust the ECMCombobox.js located here:

C:\Program Files (x86)\CASO\ECMT_AIM\assets\ECMCombobox

Line 18 for the “maxVisible” will need to be adjusted as needed.

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