PVC - Batch Splitting

PVC - Batch Splitting

Batch splitting is a step that can be used within a PVC job to split out an existing batch. The split batch can remain within the same job or be placed in an entirely different job. The following shows an example of how batch splitting can be used, but for additional information, be sure to review the Papervision Capture Admin Guide.

See below for steps on creating a batch split and properties breakdown:

  1. Open Papervision Capture Admin Console

  2. Navigate to capture jobs and select the job that needs the batch split

  3. Add a new Batch Splitting step

  4. Depending on your job needs, place the batch splitting step and connect to your workflow. For this example, we will place the split right after the capture step

    Note that the Indexing step is not connected to the Batch Splitting step. This is because the step transition will be handled by the Batch Split step.
  5. Select the Batch Split step and open the Target Jobs properties

  6. In the wizard, click the plus symbol to create a new split

  7. In the Target Job drop-down, select the PVC job that documents will need to be split out to once the split criteria is met

    Note the current PVC job is named “Test Batch Split” and the target job is set to “Test Job”. We are configuring so that when the split criteria is met, documents will be split out to a separate PVC job.
  8. In the Target Step drop-down, select the step that the split-out documents will need to transition to

  9. Click on Add New Condition

  10. Select the Condition Source

    For this example, we are choosing Capture Index
  11. because we selected Capture Index as our Condition Source, we now need to select which index field

  12. Now choose the comparison type

    String Comparison will be used in this example
  13. Enter the criteria for the split

    For this example, we’re setting the comparison to split any time the Doc Type equals “Invoice”
  14. Click Finish

  15. You should now see your first split condition listed

  16. Feel free to click the Test de button to test your conditions

  17. You can also map your index fields to the other job the documents are being split to in case any indexing information needs to be carried over

  18. There is also a check box that can be used if you have multiple Batch Splits configured to stop subsequent splitting, depending on your job needs

  19. Continue to add conditions and click OK when finished to save your configuration

  20. You should see your split configuration listed and can add more, if needed

  21. Once finished, be sure to check in your PVC job and test to make sure all is working as intended.

We recommend experimenting with Batch Splitting as you can do a lot of great things to really help your daily workflow! Also, don’t forget to review the Papervision Capture Admin Guide if additional information is needed!


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