Index Fields
There are a number of options that can be specified for each Cabinet field, including the data type, field length, case, display options and more. The key field options are discussed below.
Data Type
This controls the type of data that a field can contain. The most often-used options are as follows:
Character (Char): Allows any combination of characters to be entered in the field. This is a standard “Text” field.
Date: Allows only dates to be entered in the field. You can enter a date in a variety of formats and the system will convert it to MM DD, YYYY format for you. For example, whether you enter 9-9-99, 9/9/99, or September 9, 1999, the system will convert the date to 09/09/1999.
Number: Allows only numeric values to be entered in the field.
Notes: Allows notes to be added for record. This allows continuous notes added. You can add but not delete to this field.
Currency: Number with 2 decimal places can be entered
Length You can specify the length for the data to be entered and the length for the display of the data in EasyFile windows. Note that this does not apply to Date fields, which are always of a fixed length.
Default Value - This allows you to set the default value of this field.
Search Wildcard- This will assume a wildcard in a search. Values are Begins with, Ends with and Contains
Character Casing - You can specify one or more of the following options: Uppercase, Lowercase, Proper Casing and Normal.
Required: If you check the required option, users are required to enter data in the field before leaving the data entry window when indexing a document. Required cabinet fields are highlighted in blue.
Unique: If checked, each record in the cabinet must have a unique value in this field. For example, if there should ever only be a single cabinet record per customer, you could set the Customer Number field as a Unique Value field, and users would not be able to enter a second record with the same Customer Number into the system.
Auto Fill Trigger Field: This is an advanced setting that allows one or more cabinet fields to be automatically filled in with data when a “trigger” field is entered.
For example, a cabinet could be set up to automatically fill in the Customer Name and Customer Address fields based on a Customer Number field entered by the user. This can reduce repetitive data entry and increase indexing accuracy.
Note that in a standard Auto Fill configuration, only data already in the cabinet will be auto filled.
Enable Auto Fill This option allows you to specify that some fields in this cabinet should be automatically filled in based on the value entered in a specified “Trigger Field”.
Setting up Auto Fill involves several steps:
Check the Enable Auto Fill box on the Cabinet Detail Screen. This should be selected for the main field the lookup will be run on.
Enable the Auto Fill checkbox on one or more fields.
Note that by default, a cabinet will Auto Fill off of itself. I.e., in the Documents cabinet shown above, if you enable Auto Fill and choose Number as the Trigger field, and then enable Auto Fill for the Name field, if you enter a Number that is already in the system, the Name field will be automatically filled in with the value from the existing cabinet record.
More advanced Auto Fill setups are possible, which can pull data from external sources and databases. Contact your EasyFile dealer for more information if you have specific needs.
Set As Sticky Value When this is enabled the last value entered on this field in EasyFile Desktop App will be automatically filled in the next time you save a document.
List Field: The list option allows for the System Administrator to define a list of items that can be selected for the field. This list of items is presented to the user in a drop-down list display.
Note that the items available in a standard list field are the only options for content within that field. This limits spelling errors and accelerates data entry but can be limiting if used improperly.
Another type of list field, known as a Combo list, allows either selection from the list or free text-entry. This allows for on the fly additions to the list but opens the list to possible duplication through misspellings.
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