Create a List Field

Create a List Field

The sample cabinet used in this example was created in KB article:

Create a Cabinet and Assign Fields

List Fields are drop-down lists that allow a user to pick a value from a list rather than key the information. This cuts down on keying mistakes and insures only admins add data to the list. The List and Extended types are these lists. The drawback is if a new entry is needed, it cannot be used until someone adds the entry to the list.

If you feel it is fine for users to add to the list, then choose a Combo list. This will still create the drop-down format where a choice can be made from the list, but will also accept keyed data to add to the list while indexing.

Open your Easyadmin site and click on Cabinet/Fields. Click the All Insurance cabinet.

The properties page opens. On the right side check the List Field box. This will open the List setup section at the bottom of the page.

The List option is a simple drop down list. The Extended option allows for context sensitive availability. As you start keying in the list’s textbox, the choices matching what you keyed are shown.

Lastly, choose Combo if you want the ability to choose from a list and enter new items in the list at indexing.

To create a new list, click the pencil button.

Click New List.


Start entering items to appear in the list and click ADD after each entry. When finished, click Save.

The list table name now appears with the entries below. In the future when you want to add, rename or delete entries, click the Edit List button.

Click Update at bottom of screen when finished.

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