ApplicationXtender - xPlore - Configuration change not retained
ApplicationXtender xPlore Configuration change is not retained after modifying the indexserverconfig.xml file in another location and copying to C:\xplore\config directory
Applies to
ApplicationXtender Desktop 7.0
ApplicationXtender Desktop 8.0
ApplicationXtender Desktop 8.1
ApplicationXtender xPlore 7.0
ApplicationXtender xPlore 8.0
ApplicationXtender xPlore 8.1
Some customers may experience issues where the changes made to the indexserverconfig.xml for integration with ApplicationXtender Index Agent are not retained when the file is edited, saved, then copied to the C:\xplore\config directory on the xPlore serve
These lines are added to or modified in the indexserverconfig.xml file by editing directly in the C:\xPlore\config directory as stated in the ApplicationXtender Index Agent Administration Guide on pages 17 and 18. See attached below.
Do not edit the file on another computer or in another file location, then copy it to the C:\xplore\config directory.
Approx. Line number
<sub-path path="dmftmetadata/dm_document/ax_page_num" type="integer" enumerate-repeating-elements="false" full-text-search="false" value-comparison="true" returning-contents="true" include-descendants="false" description="Used to support AX FullText Search" boost-value="1.0" compress="false" leading-wildcard="false" sortable="true" include-start-end-token-flags="true"/>
<sub-path path="dmftmetadata/dm_document/ax_doc_id" type="integer" enumerate-repeating-elements="false" full-text-search="false" value-comparison="true" returning-contents="true" include-descendants="false" description="Used to support AX FullText Search" boost-value="1.0" compress="false" leading-wildcard="false" sortable="true" include-start-end-token-flags="true"/>
<property value="" name="query-summary-default-highlighter"/>
Use an XML editor such as Notepad ++ to edit the xml file and check syntax for errors.
Do not edit the indexserverconfix.xml file outside of the directory or folder where it is located. The path is typically C:\xPlore\config. Even though it is not a Windows protected directory like the root of C:\ or the System32 folder, editing the file in another location or on a network drive may have undesirable effects that result in the file reverting to the original unmodified file when xPlore was installed.
Some customers may experience issues where the changes made to the indexserverconfig.xml for integration with ApplicationXtender Index Agent are not retained when the file is edited, saved, then copied to the C:\xplore\config directory on the xPlore server. The issue typically occurs when starting the xPlore dsearch service or creating a new domain or collection.
Additional Information
Verify that the xPlore server is stopped before modifying the configuration. To stop the xPlore server, either go to Windows Service and right-click Stop or run stopPrimaryDsearch.cmd from C:\xPlore\jboss5.1.0\server.
After xml file modification is complete, run startPrimaryDsearch.cmd located in C:\xPlore\jboss5.1.0\server to start the
primary xPlore instance, or start it from Windows Services.
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