Signature Bank - Update Scanning Billing Rates
The steps below are necessary to update the billing rates used by Signature Bank to reconcile the billing invoices sent by the CASO Business Office.
The first step is to obtain the new billing rates. The Business Office will have these available or reach out to Stephanie to obtain the correct updated rates.
These rates need to be input into an excel spreadsheet used by the reporting website. The template is attached below.
Download the Billing Template excel document and navigate to the final tab labeled “Billing Totals”
Once there input the values replacing the Rate values for the section identified below.
Once this is in place, save the file and upload it to Signature Bank’s environment.
On the Signature Bank’s Web Server (both Development and Production locations should match), navigate to the path C:\inetpub\wwwroot\sbbillingreport (or other default path set for the iis server).
You will find the current BillingTemplate.xlsx file here. Create a backup of this file and then place the newly update excel file into the folder.
Once this is complete, you can run the billing report and validate the rates are showing the correct values by accessing the site from https://servername/sbbillingreport.
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