ApplicationXtender - xPlore - How to upgrade ApplicationXtender's xPlore version 1.3 to 1.5

ApplicationXtender - How to upgrade ApplicationXtender's xPlore version 1.3 to 1.5

Applies to

  • ApplicationXtender xPlore 7.0

  • Documentum xPlore 1.3, 1.5



For ApplicationXtender, how to upgrade ApplicationXtender xPlore version 1.3 to 1.5



In-place upgrade of ApplicationXtender xPlore version 1.3 to 1.5.
The following instructions are specific to an in-place upgrade of xPlore 1.3 installed on a Windows 2008 R2 server. This also assumes only one installation of xPlore in your environment. See product documentation for additional steps when multiple xPlore servers are in use.
Pre-upgrade steps:

  1. Stop the xPlore services.

  2. Back up the entire xPlore directory including the data location: This is required for recovery, should the upgrade fail for any reason.

  3. Make sure enough memory is present on the xPlore server, 4 GB minimum.

  4. Make sure to have at least double the size of the current xPlore folder available, this is an xDB requirement for final merge of the databases.

  5. Make sure there are no off-line collections: In the xPlore\Config directory, search the XhiveDatabase.bootstrap file for usable="false" as this is the flag to put a collection off-line.

See the product documentation for instructions on how to delete off-line collections or bring them back on-line if necessary.

In-place upgrade steps:

  1. Make sure all instances of xPlore are stopped.

  2. Run the stopPrimaryDsearch script in c:\xPlore\jboss_version\server directory.

  3. Stop the AX Index Agent service and close the Index Agent, if open.

  4. Run Setup.exe (as Administrator/Installation owner) for xPlore 1.5, note that it will be wherever you unzipped the binaries. (screen prints below).

Select where the current xPlore directory resides on the server.

When prompted choose to upgrade, must install to the existing xPlore directory.

Enter the SMTP Server Address and the Watchdog Administrator Email Address (not required).
Click Next

Click Yes

Click Install


Start the xPlore configuration program xPlore\setup\dsearch\configDsearch.bat

Click Next

Choose upgrade existing server instance.

Select primary instance.

Enter installation owner password

Click Start.


Before starting the Documentum xPlore services, install the xPlore 1.5 Patch 03.
Copy the patch to a directory on the xPlore server (recommended but not necessary).
Open Command Prompt (run as Administrator). Change to the directory where the Patch resides on the server and run
cmd> patch.exe LAX_VM C:\xPlore\java64\1.7.0_72\jre\bin\java

Click Next.

Browse to the xPlore directory on your server.

Start the install of the patch.

Reboot the server
Start the xPlore service, or run the startPrimaryDsearch script in c:\xPlore\jboss_version\server directory.
After the restart, log in to xPlore Administrator and confirm all collections are present and populated.
Test adding and full-text searching/viewing documents from AX/Web Access.

Additional Information

For more information on how to install EMC Documentum xPlore 1.5, please refer to its
installation guide: ""

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