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Mappings provides the configuration in the EForm Administrator to configure the forms to be exported in
the Document Management System (DMS). Each form in the system can have its own configuration for export .
data mapping. Once configured, submitted form will be processed and sent to the document.
management system. Based on the form mapping settings, a workflow instance will be created for every
form that is submitted. This is dependent on the ECMToolbox Workflow design that has been setup in the

SQL Data Connections

This section is for pushing DMS data to the form.


Once saved, and the connection can be made, the database is available for the form.


Data Connections



Export Mappings

DMS configuration is provided to map the document fields to the EForm questions created by the EForms Creator. Start Output Export Mapping by choosing an Output Type and give the Mapping a name.

Please note: If you are connecting to an Easyfile database for the first time, ensure the necessary manual configurations have been completed first. Please see the EForms Installation Guide: EForms 4.2.3 Installation Guide - CASO Knowledge Base - Confluence (


Next enter the connection settings. Once configured, select the “Load/Refresh Connection” to display the current fields for the DMS.


To set, edit the form question in EForm Creator and select the Data section for that question’s properties The “Value Name” property needs to have a value the name of the appropriate question name that holds the data. Do not enter the Question’s Title. Only the Question’s Name will be accepted.


Once the question appears in the mapping list, highlight and click create.


System Value:
The Map System Value dropdown provides several additional properties that may be mapped to DMS fields.



Data Lookups

As stated above, DBLookups Data Lookups create environments where data can be pushed down from a database and used in the form. The first example places the results of an SQL Query into the State dropdown form question. After checking the Dropdown checkbox for the State field, click the button next to it.


In order for this to work, the State form question needs to have the Data “Value Name” property set to its own name.This causes an Output Mapping which in turns pushes the SQL statement results into the State list appearing on the form.

Another example is a lookup where data on a form question can be the result of corresponding data in the database.


On the left side of the screen, enter the Connection Name created in the SQL Data Connections section which holds the database name. Then enter the Table name inside that database. The Header Field is the form question name while the SQL column is the corresponding database table field name.
