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The sample cabinet used in this exercise was created in KB article:

Table of Contents

Create a Cabinet and Assign Fields

An Autofill environment can be setup using Internal Easyfile data or External Data imported into Easyfile. This article will examine both scenarios.

Internal Data

Autofill allows for data to be entered automatically after being keyed in once. This reduces repetitive indexing for data that will not change. In our example cabinet, the Policy Number is the main field.


Once the Target Table has been selected, the associated fields that correspond to the Autofill trigger field can be selected. In this case, First Name, Last Name, Carrier and Insurance Type are associated with the Policy Number.

Click the microscope next to each of magnifier next the autofill trigger field and the associated field fields and choose the corresponding field starting with COL. This is the way the system identifies fields.


Click Update on the main property sheet.

Now, after a record has been saved in Easyfile, the Policy Number is available to be used as an Autofill entry.


In addition to internal saved data being used as autofill entries, external xlsx or csv data can also be imported into Easyfile. There are some rules on how the data should be formatted.

  1. Column Headers should not have spaces.

  2. The file name should be descriptive so you can recognize it.

This is a two-step process. The data is imported inside the Easyfile web interface and Autofill is setup in Easyfile Administrator similar to how it is described above.

Open the Easyfile Web interface. Ensure you are in Split View and click the ellipses (…). Click Scanning Report.

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Click on the Customer List to Upload button and choose the file to be used.

Once the file has been chosen, click the Upload button. The data is now imported into a table that starts with ULU_.

After the data has been imported, the next step is to setup the Autofill fields inside Easyfile Administrator as outlined above except that instead of an FT named table, you will be looking for the name of the file you just imported starting with ULU_.

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