Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The default is text, but if you want the data in the question to be specifically formatted, enter an alternate input type. For example, if you want data to appear as money formatted, choose number in the Input Type property and later in the Input Mask property choose currency.



A An important decision in placement is whether the question is at the start of a new line or not. The default is to start a new line.


The State property determines how the question will appear on the form. The choices are default, collapsed, and expanded. Default simply shows the question. Collapsed hides the input area and has a small up/down arrow on the far right side of the screen. For collapsed, clicking the arrow will show the input. area. For expanded, the input area is shown with an a down arrow to hide the input area.

Next you can set the Title and Description locations.

Indent refers the the amount of space you want the input to start relative to the left margin of the question. 0 means no indent.


Just like prior property pages, the Logic section allows for conditional events between the questions.

Lets Let's assume, the survey collects Medicare numbers for respondents over 65. The Medicare number question is hidden because it is not needed for respondents under 65.


You can use any of the listed validators to catch data errors.

Specific Properties for specific controls



The Choices property is the way to name the choices in a dropdown list, radiogroup or checkbox controls.


A rating question defaults to 5 choices numbered 1-5. You can and add or subtract the number of choices as well as change the numeric values of the choices.
