Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Because there are many toolbox controls with individual properties, this guide will look at the most common properties among the controls. For further examination of the various properties, consult the Survey JS website (

Table of Contents

General Properties


Enter the Name/Title/Description of the question. The name and the title can be different. If you enter both the name and the title, the question title will take precedence on the form, but if you use any of the logic properties you must reference the question name.


The default is text, but if you want the data in the question to be specifically formatted, enter an alternate input type. For example, if you want data to appear as money formatted, choose number in the Input Type property and later in the Input Mask property choose currency.



A important decision in placement is whether the question is at the start of a new line or not. The default is to start a new line.


When more than one question is on the same line, the width of each question on that line should be relative to each other and the balance of the space on that line. Make the width values so that the questions line up together and presents a professional and pleasing look and feel.



Just like prior property pages, the Logic section allows for conditional events between the questions.


Also, a default value for a question can depend on a true or false condition.



The Value Name property is used to send data from one or more prior fields into another field. Place the name of the source field or an expression if multiple fields are involved.


Sum({question1}, {question2})



The validation property is used to control the data entered into a question. If the question is supposed to contain numeric values and instead characters are incorrectly entered, the validation property will catch the error and place an error message on the screen.


Specific Properties for specific controls



The Choices property is the way to name the choices in a dropdown list, radiogroup or checkbox controls.


The number of choices can be increased or decreased as needed.

Rating Values


A rating question defaults to 5 choices numbered 1-5. You can and or subtract the number of choices as well as change the numeric values of the choices.
